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Requested translations - hijodelodio

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Target language

Results 1 - 7 of about 7
Source language
English rudegirl song
It´s the time
the right time
you change things
and burn bridges

Every night
every rudegirl
shuffles her boots
Every night
every rudegirl
waits for a better time.

The hard journey
gives a sign
that the destination is near

Do you have what you really have?
The freedom of the eagle
that has never flown.

Sleep, don´t sleep yet
Raise up your eyes
and look carefully....

Completed translations
Spanish Chica maleducada
Source language
Slovak rudegirl second part
Je cas,
ten pravy cas,
zmenís veci
a mosty zapálís

Kazdú noc
kazdá rudegirl
si boty obúva.
Kazdú noc
kazdá rudegirl
caká na lepsí den.

Prasná cesta dáva
ze blízko je jej ciel.

Más, co vlastne más?
Slobodu orla,
ktory nikdy

Spat, nerob kror spat
pozdvihni zrak
a pozore sa dívaj

Completed translations
English It´s the time-second part
Source language
Slovak RudeGirl
Skoncil sa den,
zas dalsí den.
Stále dokola
a vóbec nic nové.

Pozri sa sem,
jak tocí sa zem
a hviezdy padaju,
nieco si zelaj.

To co chces neboj,
neboj sa smies,
dnes vecer tvoje sny
budú vsetky splnené

No es necesario traducir la palabra "rudegirl" ya que esta no está en eslovako si no en inglés "chica ruda"

Completed translations
English Rude Girl
Spanish Chica Ruda